Rotring Rapidograph Pen- Changing the Nib and Ink Cartridge
Want to know how you change the Nib or Ink Cartridge in a Rotring Rapidograph Pen? Here you go, some simple instructions on how to do this without breaking...
Los Rotring modelo Rapidograph que puedes adquirir en nuestra tienda de material de dibujo se caracterizan por: utilizar cartuchos de tinta, no secar la tinta y tener la punta metálica.
Page 13 Lucky shards
Rotring rapidograph .50 in Moleskine A3 sketchbook
#Processing #CreativeCoding #PlotterTwitter Frederik Vanhoutte
Pasan Chathuranga
My rotring pen art... Pasan Chathuranga
A Company of N3rds
A Vinrod Rams study
Support me on the Patreon, thanks ???? #draweverydamnday #rotring #artpen #midori #acompanyofn3rds #fightevilkickass A Company of N3rds
Frederik Vanhoutte
200721 restocking the shelves
Rotring rapidograph .25 on A6 Steinbach, 200g
#Processing #CreativeCoding #PlotterTwitter Frederik Vanhoutte